The Global Urbanist

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Over the next few weeks, The Global Urbanist, in collaboration with Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO), will publish six photo essays that take us inside the daily lives of women, ranging from street hawkers to hairdressers, working in the informal economy. Reporting from Ahmedabad, Bangkok, Accra, Johannesburg, Lima and Bogota will highlight the daily challenges they face and the ways in which they are organizing to demand their rights as workers.

Rather than turn to Dharavi, Ahmedabad would do well to look amongst its own social entrepreneurs for models to rehouse the poor and integrate them into their new roles as homeowners.

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  1. There are better models for Ahmedabad than Dharavi
  2. Urban women organizing in the informal economy
  3. How home-based workers in Ahmedabad formed a union to improve their lives

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The Global Urbanist is an online magazine reviewing urban affairs and urban development issues in cities throughout the developed and developing world.

Its readers are drawn from the urban policy and international development sectors, and include urban planners, officers in local, national or international government agencies, civil society leaders, and researchers.

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