21-25 of 79 matching articles 5 20 100 All What role do city networks play in international development? Kerwin Datu • 19 August 2010 In the world's wealthy regions, economic activity is articulated through networks uniting cities around the world. So shouldn't we also be looking to intercity networks as the key to international development? Informal traders allowed near World Cup sites at last minute IRIN • 23 June 2010 Having previously cleared informal traders away from World Cup stadiums and fan fests to accommodate FIFA's demands, the cities of Cape Town and Johannesburg have allowed many to return to venue vicinities under an accreditation system. Grey water baths and itchy skin: life without sanitation in Jakarta's slums IRIN • 17 April 2010 In slums entirely without sanitation and drinking supplies, NGOs such as Mercy Corps are focusing on low-cost health programmes such as hygiene training to prevent the spread of disease, while waiting for the government to catch up with their long-term infrastructure planning. How do you maintain a business when you work on the streets? The informal vendors of Yangon Zach Hyman • 17 July 2012 Accessing the space, power and storage facilities one needs to work as a street vendor poses a number of logistical problems. Zach Hyman visits informal workers in Yangon to learn how they solve them. From egalitarianism to urbanism: notes on a moral philosophy of urban commentary Kerwin Datu • 16 September 2010 While governments remain focused on economic indicators and the image a city projects, writers who wish to remain egalitarian must discount both of these in favour of the basic needs of all people. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16