The Global Urbanist

News and analysis of cities around the world


World Habitat Day 2011


Organiser: UN-HABITAT

Location: Aguascalientes

Topical area: Climate change, Development


The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October every year as World Habitat Day. This year, World Habitat Day will be celebrated on 3 October 2011 and the Global Celebration will be hosted by the Government of Mexico. The idea is to reflect on the state of our towns and cities and the basic right of all, to adequate shelter. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat.

The United Nations chose the theme Cities and Climate Change was chosen because climate change is fast becoming the preeminent development challenge of the 21st century. Indeed, no-one today can really foresee the predicament in which a town or city will find itself in 10, 20 or 30 years time. In this new urban era with most of humanity now living in towns and cities, we must bear in mind that the greatest impacts of disasters resulting from climate change begin and end in cities. Cities too have a great influence on climate change.

How to attend:

Raise awareness in your city - organize a World Habitat Day event 2011

World Habitat Day provides an excellent opportunity to highlight key human settlements issues. We would like to thank all our partners who in past years have organized awareness raising activities on the day and have described the celebrations that have taken place around the world. In 2010, over 240 activities in 79 countries were organized to advocate for better lives in towns and cities.

This year, we again call on our partners in central government, local government, civil society, the private sector and the media to take part in organizing activities to raise awareness and stimulate debate sustainable urbanization, and the important theme, Cities and Climate Change.

Information Materials

Let us know if you are holding an event so that we can post it on our website and send you publicity materials. Help spread the word about World Habitat Day! Download the logo and all other materials on this page and feel free to share them with your friends.

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