The Global Urbanist

News and analysis of cities around the world


Expert hearing on regenerative urbanisation: the future of Gulf cities

Date: -

Organiser: World Future Council and HafenCity University Hamburg

Location: Dubai

Topical area: Integrated planning, Water, waste and sanitation, Sustainability


The Arabian Peninsula is the world's largest peninsula and covers 3,237,500 km2. Today up to 90 per cent of the Arabian Peninsula’s people live in large, modern cities. On the Arabian Peninsula per capita use of fossil fuels – and greenhouse gas emissions – are among the highest in the world. But there is also growing concern about the limited availability of water. Globally, it is becoming apparent that the design, construction and management of modern cities are overly dependent on fossil fuels. In the Gulf and elsewhere there is a growing understanding of the need for new approaches to development, and particularly urban development.

This event seeks to highlight strategies of not just sustainable but regenerative urban development and how a smart, integrated urban design and management make better use of water and reduce pollution to a minimum whilst increasing the comfort, health and safety of the population.

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