141-145 of 159 matching articles 5 20 100 All Has our focus on housing distracted us? Towards a right to space Kerwin Datu • 17 January 2012 Slum neighbourhoods are teeming with industry and commerce, yet the policy sphere still tends to treat them as residential spaces alone. What are the consequences of this misconception, and is it time to invoke a right to space, not just of housing? Setting the global urban agenda: dealing with complexity Yusaf Samiullah • 20 December 2011 Yusaf Samiullah OBE argues for the complexity of urban environments, stating that this is what international development organisations must apprehend and address if they are to improve the quality of urban livelihoods. Not all grand plans can be great plans: evaluating Foster's Thames Hub vision Kerwin Datu • 20 December 2011 There is much to be commended, and much to be weeded out, in Foster's vision for a new London airport in the Thames Estuary and the proposal for a new transport, utilities and data spine running the length of the country. The other 'middleweights': new hopes for old cities in the West Kerwin Datu • 8 November 2011 A bold future may await rust belt cities in North America and Europe if asset manager Pippa Malmgren's vision of smart manufacturing hubs and recent research on revitalised industrial centres come to fruition. Problems of Cape Town's outlying townships demand strategies to densify the centre Andrew Fleming • 11 October 2011 To help solve the problems of its dense peripheral regions, Cape Town needs increase residential densities in the inner suburbs to give more residents a chance to benefit from the jobs and services they provide. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32