151-155 of 159 matching articles 5 20 100 All Rahul Mehrotra and the "kinetic city": designing for informality in Mumbai Kerwin Datu • 24 May 2010 Mumbai architect and MIT Professor of Architecture Rahul Mehrotra argues that the positive aspects of the kinetic city or bazaar city that Mumbai embodies must be embraced to overcome the false formal v. informal conception of the city and to turn density into economic opportunity. Measuring the world's largest cities: the UN's latest revision of world urban population projections Kerwin Datu • 23 April 2010 A list of the world's largest urban agglomerations for 2010, following the release of UN-DESA's revised World Urbanization Prospects tabling population predictions for the world's cities. The 'aughts': the decade that brought back infrastructure Alex Marshall/Citiwire • 11 April 2010 Writing from an American perspective, Alex Marshall argues that in a decade plagued by war and recession, one redeeming feature of the 'aughts' was that it got leaders around the world talking about infrastructure once again. Sana'a running out of water with no plan to save it IRIN • 23 March 2010 Yemen's world heritage capital city Sana'a is projected to run out of groundwater by 2017, but apart from off-hand proposals to relocate the city or pump desalinated water uphill from the coast, no real plans are in place to save the city in a worst-case scenario. The right to proximity: understanding the World Urban Forum's "Right to the City" Kerwin Datu • 22 March 2010 The World Urban Forum opens today in Rio de Janeiro, under the slogan "Right to the City: bridging the urban divide." Recent advances in urban economics allow us to see that this is a fundamental part of how cities function, not a radical concept. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32