Little Grids: how small-scale utilities could solve America’s infrastructure woes
Eric Zachrison explores the merits of thinking small, instead of big, when it comes to planning for basic public services.
Eric Zachrison explores the merits of thinking small, instead of big, when it comes to planning for basic public services.
Enrique Peñalosa, mayor of Bogotá from 1998 to 2001, is credited with bringing major changes to the Colombian capital, including the library system, parks, BRT and improving hundreds of poor schools.
A well-planned response to the unprecedented expansion of cities may hold the key to responding to climate change and other challenges of the 21st century.
What exactly are these places that are becoming proxies for public space, an otherwise rare commodity in Delhi? Letting no detail escape his eye, Yorim Spoelder goes flaneuring in the mall.
The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) continues to shift thriving urban communities into lifeless high-rise residential towers, ignorant of the economic base the existing neighbouroods provide.
From Western rules of thumb about the affordability of mortgages to an obsession with high-rise private sector developments, India's approach to affordable housing is full of hopelessly outdated assumptions.
Despite claims of lack of accountability and transparency on both sides, NGOs and governments need to learn to trust each other lest basic services for the urban poor continue to go undeveloped.
Mukta Naik is an architect and urban planner, working with Delhi-based micro Home Solutions. She is currently a Fellow with the Future Institute and…
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The Global Urbanist is an online magazine reviewing urban affairs and urban development issues in cities throughout the developed and developing world.
Its readers are drawn from the urban policy and international development sectors, and include urban planners, officers in local, national or international government agencies, civil society leaders, and researchers.